1.读源码当然从入口开始读 web.xml,非常简单一个filter
2.JFinalFilter的init初始化jfinal com.jfinal.core.JFinalFilter configClass com.demo.common.DemoConfig jfinal /*
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { createJFinalConfig(filterConfig.getInitParameter("configClass")); if (jfinal.init(jfinalConfig, filterConfig.getServletContext()) == false) throw new RuntimeException("JFinal init error!"); handler = jfinal.getHandler(); constants = Config.getConstants(); encoding = constants.getEncoding(); jfinalConfig.afterJFinalStart(); String contextPath = filterConfig.getServletContext().getContextPath(); contextPathLength = (contextPath == null || "/".equals(contextPath) ? 0 : contextPath.length()); }
private void createJFinalConfig(String configClass) { if (configClass == null) throw new RuntimeException("Please set configClass parameter of JFinalFilter in web.xml"); try { Object temp = Class.forName(configClass).newInstance(); if (temp instanceof JFinalConfig) jfinalConfig = (JFinalConfig)temp; else throw new RuntimeException("Can not create instance of class: " + configClass + ". Please check the config in web.xml"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can not create instance of class: " + configClass, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can not create instance of class: " + configClass, e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Class not found: " + configClass + ". Please config it in web.xml", e); } }
boolean init(JFinalConfig jfinalConfig, ServletContext servletContext) { this.servletContext = servletContext; this.contextPath = servletContext.getContextPath(); initPathUtil(); Config.configJFinal(jfinalConfig); // start plugin and init logger factory in this method constants = Config.getConstants(); initActionMapping(); initHandler(); initRender(); initActiveRecord(); initOreillyCos(); initI18n(); initTokenManager(); return true; }5.initPathUtil()代码很简单,自己调试进去就知道,没什么好说
private void initPathUtil() { String path = servletContext.getRealPath("/"); PathKit.setWebRootPath(path); }
public static void setWebRootPath(String webRootPath) { if (webRootPath == null) return ; if (webRootPath.endsWith(File.separator)) webRootPath = webRootPath.substring(0, webRootPath.length() - 1); PathKit.webRootPath = webRootPath; }
jfinalConfig.configConstant(constants); initLoggerFactory(); jfinalConfig.configRoute(routes); jfinalConfig.configPlugin(plugins); startPlugins(); // very important!!! jfinalConfig.configInterceptor(interceptors); jfinalConfig.configHandler(handlers);7.我这里就看一个方法initLoggerFactory
private static void initLoggerFactory() { Logger.init(); log = Logger.getLogger(Config.class); JFinalFilter.initLogger(); }